Our Mission

Our Mission is to promote camaraderie and artistic growth for our members through a variety of events, including quality exhibits which enable them to show and sell their art and to donate a portion of their sales to selected environmental organizations.                                      


SCAPE Artists at Work and on Display

History of SCAPE  from Marcia Burtt,

One of Scape's Founding Members  

SCAPE had its beginnings in 2002 when Susan Belloni, Camille Dellar, and I, Marcia Burtt, met together, impelled by Larry Iwerks who had often pointed out, from the perspective of an Oak Group member, that raising money for  environmental causes should be open to all the community artists. Patricia Doyle thought up the wonderful name, Southern California Artists Painting for the Environment—SCAPE.  Don Crocker obtained our 501 C-6 designation and has remained a board member.

We decided to have a "working board" so that each board member was in charge of a committee charged with getting work done—exhibitions, workshops and special events. Starting with ideas from the first officers, mission and activities of SCAPE have gradually  taken shape: we are now a substantial group of outdoor painters participating  in  juried exhibitions to raise money for the  environment while providing a chance  to make friends with other like minded artists  through painting together,  installing shows together, donating part of their sales and learning together.



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  • Enter your login (if you need a new login, contact the SCAPE Membership Chair via the CONTACT US Page. The Membership Chair will have the website email you a new login)
  • You will be taken to the Home Page again - At the very top of the Home Page click on your name
  • You will be taken to "My Profile" Page - See "Membership Details" click on the gray rectangular box that says, "Renew to January 01” of the next year (memberships are annual and run from January to January; cost is $50)
  • This will take you to the payment page (once you pay, the website will automatically email you a receipt)
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