Message from our PRESIDENT
By Linda Faye Collins
Hello All,
What a wonderful time of year to be outdoors. After all the rains, and with the sun out (at least when it conquers our coastal fog), it is truly a painter’s paradise.
Our first show, which is online-only. should be mounted by now, and what a beautiful show it is! Be sure to check it out on Online Juried Shows. We have yet to see how many sales the online show will achieve, but we can’t stress enough, how important it is for our members to advertise the show on every social media platform they can.
It must be daunting for our less experienced and beginning painters to enter shows and vie against our more professional and experienced members. Recognizing that, we will be introducing, one or two more categories of experience in which to compete in our live exhibit this Fall. Our Shows committee is still working out the details for that show, although we have selected the beneficiary and the venue which Karen Glancy, Shows Chair discusses below. Our Shows committee is VERY SMALL so things are progressing, but at a slower pace than might be preferred. That will be the extent of my plea this month for more volunteers to step up, but once I fully wake up from my longer-than-usual winter hibernation, there will be more AND LOUDER to follow. Hopefully, some of the rest of you will wake up too, full of new-found energy, and raise up your eager brush-holding hands to offer to help this very worthwhile organization keep going.
By Karen Glancy
Our online show, The Diversity Of Painting, has now completed the jurying process. My thanks go to Dan Schultz for accepting to be the juror of this exhibit. Dan spent a great deal of his time reviewing the entries and has selected 50 out of the 74 entries to be featured on Said Dan of the selection process, “I just wanted to make sure the show was as high quality as possible and I did try to accept at least one from each artist. And hopefully the artists who weren’t accepted will take it as incentive to keep working to improve.”
We will have a direct link to the exhibit as soon as it gets set up by Online Gallery Shows and opened on the 5th of May. The show will run until the 3rd of June.
Remember that the successful sale of art on an online gallery show depends on the participation of the members in sharing the show daily to all your friends on many social media avenues.
An E-post card will be sent out soon to all members to help participate in the advertisement of this show.
Congratulations go the Winners.
Juror’s Choice: Deborah Breedon - Bloom in Pink |
1st: L. Tracy Paz - Mandala of My Heart Sounding |
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2nd: Larry Iwerks - Mount Whitney |
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![]() Honorable Mentions: Onno kok - Morning Light on Stanwood Trail Bruce Berlow - Cadillac Karen Glancy - Low Tide |
OUR JUR0R 106 North Signal Street Ojai, California 93023 805-317-9634 - Springtime Valley • 11x14 • Oil on Linen © Dan Schultz |
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I am also excited to inform you that we are planning a fall show with Santa Barbara Trails Commission, once again at the lovely Music Academy of the West. We will have more information on this as we work out more of the details.
We are in need of a Public Relations - Marketing chair and committee members to help with getting this show into the papers and possibly on the local news. Also a Reception chair and committee to work with show chair about 5 to 7 total volunteers, this is very important to the success of any shows we have!
Please contact Linda Fay Collins or Karen Glancy
Saturday May 13, 2023
UCSB North Campus Open Space
The Paint Out for May will be at the North Campus Open Space (NCOS). NCOS is an open space encompassing the upper arms of the Devereux Slough. This restored area has gone through a transformation; converting area around and a former golf course to its original habitat. The restoration by The Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration at UCSB includes 136 acres with over 3 miles of trails. This connects to the Sperling Preserve at Ellwood Mesa and the Coal Oil Point Reserve. There are native plants and habitats, the reaches of the Slough, Vernal Pools and views.Please refer to the interesting web page at with newsletters full of photos found at:
Location: 6969 Whittier Drive, Goleta CA 93117
Take the Glen Annie exit from 101 heading toward the ocean on Storke Rd. After crossing Hollister and Phelps ( ½ mile) turn right onto Whittier Dr. After 100 feet turn left into a small parking lot with a Visitor Center at NCOS.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Transportation on the property. A person from the Center will meet us at 9 am for a brief introduction and will then provide transportation around the Open Space for small groups who wish to partake but count on walking along the wide trails around the wetland and up on the restored mesa within the native bunch grass and vernal pools.
Photos by NCOS.
Upcoming Member Shows & Links
Holly Hungett has a solo show at the Architectural Foundation through May 20.
Larry Iwerks has a new CD El Nino. See a sample on You Tube "El Nino in the Dinosaur Days" - YouTube
A link to the new North Campus Open Space, a beautiful space to savor, to walk and to plein air paint.
Moonlight Nocturne Plein Air Painting Workshop with Thomas Van Stein
Develop your plein-air painting skills focusing on the art of capturing the “Feeling of Night” in a August workshop with artist Thomas Van Stein.
Details at
Watercolor and Casein - Mixed Media Delight - Workshop
Presenter: Cathy Quiel
Saturday, May 20, 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Carpinteria Art Center
May 20: Watercolor and Casein - Mixed Media Delight — Carpinteria Arts Center
Casein, a milk-based water-soluble paint, is opaque and can be used to create light colors over dark colors. Enjoy utilizing casein with watercolor to produce interesting effects, increased depth and a bodied glaze. In addition, you are encouraged to bring “not yet successful paintings” and you will be amazed how casein can improve them with added highlights and glazes. Demonstrations, handouts and critique are provided throughout the class. Casein, acrylic spray and wax provided and included in the cost of the class.
Price: $134/$120 membersby Cezanne Totton
Welcome new members! SCAPE now has more than 160 members. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s paintings and/or meeting folks at paint outs.
If any of you would like to view your personal privacy settings on SCAPE’s website. you may set the settings yourself or contact me to set them for you. The privacy settings can be set to allow who (the public, other SCAPE members or just the SCAPE Board) can view personal information such your address, phone, etc.
How To Change or View Your Privacy Settings:
For questions regarding membership, email me using the CONTACT US Page on the SCAPE website and click on “HELLO”.
SCAPE (Southern California Artists Painting for the Environment) - CONTACT US (