Message from our PRESIDENT
By Kathy McGill
Dear SCAPE Members,
Happy June everyone. Although it’s fun practicing grays, I for one hope the coming month brings a bit more sun.
I’d like to open this month’s newsletter with a huge thank-you to Libby Smith and Fred Powell for organizing and hosting SCAPE’s first “virtual workshop” on Zoom. Libby and Fred both did a fabulous job, and the event was well attended. It was a lot of fun seeing Libby’s studio, and she made everyone feel very welcome - almost like we were there in person. I personally learned a lot watching her and listening to her talk about her process. A special shout-out to Susan Powell, who provided technical (and I suspect moral) support. We hope to do more of these, so let us know if there’s something you are particularly interested in.
A big thank-you also to Geoff Alexander and the Dos Pueblos Institute for hosting the May paint-out. Geoff made us feel most welcome, and all the attendees enjoyed hearing about the Institute’s history and mission. And there was so much to paint. Even on a gray day we were spoiled for choice!
On the recruitment front: Meg Ricks has volunteered to become SCAPE Secretary, beginning in September. Thank-you Meg! We still need someone for the VP role, becoming President beginning in January. At the bottom of this newsletter you can see several other vacant positions that need volunteers. Please email me at if you want to know more. We need your help!
We are continuing to actively explore options for a fall show. In the meantime we have started work on a summer social event. Lisa Saal has volunteered to take the lead planning this. Thank-you Lisa! She is currently looking for a good venue, and will reach out for help with detailed planning once dates are firmed up. If you have ideas for fun activities (other than eating and drinking of course) please let us know.
Happy painting - I hope to see you in June at our paint-out.
We are continuing to actively explore options for a fall show, now that it is definite that there will not be a 2024 show at the Bacara. We are exploring several options, and are looking in particular at potential beneficiaries that do significant educational outreach, and with whom we can build long-term relationships. We hope to have something more concrete to share by the next newsletter.
Kathy McGill
by Your Paint Out Team
Ginger Plum, artist and friend to many, has passed. I can't believe she's gone. Ginger was a cheerful kind person who painted with at least two groups. I met Ginger when I joined the wonderful band of the Carpinteria Plein Air Painters under the leadership of Chris Sobell.
Memorial for Ginger Plum
June 4
Noon to 2 pm
Marina Park, 3000 Pierpont Boulevard, Ventura
Rock Painting - Bring Your Own Brushes
Exit Seaward, Turn right onto S Seaward Ave. Go for 0.1 mi., Turn left onto Pierpont Blvd. Go for 0.7 mi. (ten blocks), Ends at park
Cezanne Totton